Spiritual Programs and Communities

Creating songs and sharing them with others is my most alive and vibrant connection to what I would call the sacred.
Singing in community, whether in a formal spiritual setting, or on the streets in support of peace, economic justice, and social transformation, is a way for folks to re-align with the best and truest parts of ourselves. And to feel more deeply connected to each other. And more powerful because of that!
My own path has taken me from the front pew of my dad’s church to the meditation cushion hearing the dharma from Thich Nhat Hanh, to studies of Creation Centered Spirituality, with Matthew Fox and other international spiritual teachers. With many points in between.

Where you might find me: Buddhist centers such as Spirit Rock Meditation Center, (teaching and singing within their family practice program), and as a visiting dharma teacher at other practice centers and community sanghas.
Listen to Betsy’s dharma talks
Retreats and Conferences: Christian, Buddhist, Interfaith
Teaching Mindfulness: leading children, educators, and others in songs and activities that support simple practices of breath and awareness, compassion, peacemaking, and inner resilience and stability.
“Thank you for your wonderful music at the
Day of Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh.
Your music created a calming and beautiful closure to the day.”
-Ali Vogt, Community of Mindful Living
Organizations I have worked with include:
Omega Institute
Mindful Schools
Association for Mindfulness in Education
Seabeck Conference Center
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Starr King School Of Ministry
Rowe Conference Center
Sophia Center
Community of Mindful Living / Plum Village
Ben Lomond Quaker Center
Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi
Gandhi Peace Camp, California