For Youth
Betsy brings to the elementary classroom or assembly a delightful and enriching array of songs that support the development of academic and social skills.
Programs include:
• Calm Down Boogie: Songs that encourage inner calm, handling emotions and conflict, and practicing gratitude, kindness and peace. A companion program for mindfulness practice and training in the classroom; and an introduction to key mindfulness practices for newcomers.
• Gardensong: Fun, participatory songs that reinforce the important lessons learned through gardening and earth care programs, including healthy food and eating habits, composting, and earth care.
• Join in the Circle: Songs of diversity and inclusion, conflict management, and emotional literacy.
• American History through song (Grade 5)
• California History through song (Grade 4)
Download brochures about Calm Down Boogie CD and Educational Program Offerings. An additional resource is a companion handbook to Calm Down Boogie which includes song lyrics, movement components, and curriculum extensions.
A 4th grade class along with a kindergarten class taught your songs to the whole school for our monthly Responsive Classroom assembly. Now all the classrooms are using your CD. They are using “My Mind Is A Clear Blue Sky” for their quiet time reflection in journal writing and/or after recess.
– Educator, South Burlington VT
Betsy Rose sings songs that always make me feel happy.
– Lilia, Grade 3
My 3.5 year old daughter and I absolutely love your music! .. She is now totally fascinated by the concept of equanimity.…
– Parent
We played (Calm Down Boogie), and we played it, and we played it….. After a couple of songs she got up and started dancing very calmly and seriously. Then she went to find something to use like a flowing scarf to make the rainbow for “My Mind Is A Clear Blue Sky….”
– Parent