Responses to Seasons of Life Programs
I have been listening to your CD when I am nursing my baby to sleep at the end of the day – it helps me to settle down and reconnect with the sense of this all being a precious miracle. When I’m exhausted and overwhelmed, your music helps my heart to fill up again. Thanks for the healing!”
-Kathy Wray, Mother
Your music contributed so much to the conference. It opened up hearts and laughter and tear ducts. It set the emotional tone for the whole weekend.
-Cathy McPhan, Hospice of Petaluma
Your voice and songs added immeasurably to the quality of the program at our Annual Meeting. You definitely have a “healing” touch!
-Margaret Clausen, California State Hospice Association
How could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than spectacular! The raves have not stopped coming in about the event, and about you in particular. Your warmth, your good energy, your shining spirit truly pulled the program and the room together.
-Linda Blackman, Mother’s Listening Project (for mothers with cancer)
I thank you for writing such a great song for us parents who live everyday with such a special gift of a child.
-Olicia Fuerrero, Parent
Your song was such a wonderful reminder when I get frustrated, to remember the child inside.
-Regina Darlington, Parent
“Just listened to your song “Spirited Child” with tears streaming down my face. I am the parent of two children who are now young adults They were always labeled as different. They were the ones who couldn’t sit still, who thought outside the box, etc. I work with hundreds of parents each year who have children just like the ones in your song providing support, information and advocacy so that these families don’t have to feel so alone and isolated. I can’t wait to play this song for them to hear. “
-Joan Valery
Families United Network , Albany NY.
I wept as I listened to Music of Family/Healing and Recovery. What a amazing voice !Betsy Rose is blessed to touch the hearts of all she comes in contact with, and used to heal.
-Therapeutic Touch Practitioner
“You were definitely the highlight of the conference. The power and beauty of your songs brought tears to my eyes.”
-La Leche League Conference Participant